Live a (Heart) Healthy Life
February is Heart Health month, so it is the perfect time to find out more information on how to make lifestyle changes that will keep your heart beating and happy for many years to come.
Age Doesn’t Matter
No matter if you are in your early 20s or late 50s, any person at any age can suffer from effects of heart disease. The result of unhealthy lifestyles are the primary effects leading to heart disease:
Millions of Americans smoke today and younger people are smoking as well. Smoking causes your arteries to narrow as blood thickens from plaque buildup, caused by toxic chemicals in cigarettes. This severely affects the arteries capabilities to carry blood into your heart.
High Blood Pressure
About half of the millions of Americans affected with High Blood Pressure do not have their situation under control. While, we may not consider High Blood Pressure an intense illness, it can lead to heart disease. Arteries are blocked by plaque (resulting from HBP) and may cause blood clots or strokes.
High Blood Cholesterol
High Blood Cholesterol can cause similar effects to your arteries and heart as smoking and high blood pressure. Arteries narrow and can cause blood flow to be blocked to the heart.
Other crucial factors that may make your heart unhealthy and at risk include: obesity, diabetes, and unhealthy eating patterns.
Change your Lifestyle
The best thing we can do to avoid getting heart disease is to change our habits and create an overall healthy, lovely lifestyle.
Stay Active: According to the CDC, doing 150 minutes of physical activity can dramatically improve your health. Play a sport for fun, join a gym or simply take a walk during your lunch break. There are no excuses for inactivity!
Quit Smoking: I am sure we all know how intrusive and problematic smoking is for our body. Try to quit this toxic habit today!
Get Checked and Take Action: Don’t know if you have high blood pressure or high cholesterol? Get checked right away! The sooner you take care of your body the easier it is to avoid problems in the future. If you do have these conditions, manage your health according to your doctor’s orders.
Eat Right: “You are what you eat”. We all know how important our diet is in accordance with our health. When thinking about eating heart-healthy, avoid foods high in sodium, trans-fat, saturated fat and sugar. Stick to eating lean and clean. Incorporate vegetables and fruits into your diets. And if you are going to use salt, use nature’s best and purest Himalayan’s Finest Pink Salt. Small changes in your diet can make massive impressions on your health.
Take the decision to live Heart Healthy by living a healthy lifestyle today. For more articles and heart healthy recipe ideas, visit or visit us on social media!
Information gathered through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (